Friday, August 19, 2011

Loveessence's Distinguished Gentleman: Lilo

There are phenomenal single men of all races out there. Do not believe the hype.  This week's distinguished gentleman is a really great guy whom I know personally.  He is incredibly brilliant, interesting, hard-working and creative.  What I admire most about him is that he consistently exhibits determination to achieve his goals, no matter how unlikely those goals may seem.
- Ms. Loveessence

What is your passion in life? 
Honesty, Hardwork and determination. Because hardwork coupled with determination makes nothing impossible. 
What values or principles are most important to you and why? Honesty, Hardwork and determination. Because hardwork coupled with determination makes nothing impossible.
What accomplishment are you most proud of? 
Fund-raising my way through college. It's one thing to raise money for a semester in college and another experience to do it for 4 years because you are determined to get an Ivy League degree.
What are the most attractive qualities that you have to offer a mate? 
Open-mindedness, friendship, the promise to be there, as the one who's got your back, loyal supporter and constructive critic.
Please describe the kind of love that you are seeking? 
Love built on the foundation of truth, sincerity, passion and ambition. Where two secure individuals look to strengthen each other in the pursuit of their dreams while making room for the celebration of the wonderful things about their lives and finding  happiness.
If you would like to meet Lilo, please go to where love lives.  If you would like to be Loveessence's Lovely Lady or Disinguished Gentleman please email

1 comment:

  1. He seems really great. He has some Wyclef meet Maxwell renaissance cool about him.
